Howdy Scott, welcome aboard my blog. So great to have you here today. Let's see the great banner you have.
over to the play area. I’ll deal with you once I’m done with…ah…whatever his
name is.” Carter nodded to where the rest of the kids kneeled, stood, or sat on
a blue carpet, watching a boy building with wooden toy blocks. Right away, I
could sense he intended on crafting something difficult, a scale model of the
courthouse down the road from Footbridge. While the boy’s physical appearance
seemed rather ordinary, his skills could not be beat. He hadn’t misused a
single block. Without any hesitation or second-guessing himself, he knew what
to do to put everything in the right place.
so cool, Trey,” I heard a soft voice like the melodious whisper of birdsong, my
intuition revealing the identity before my eyes did. Madeline swayed from side
to side, beaming with her pearly-whites.
paid her no mind though, allowing himself to be distracted only by his
overgrown dirty-blonde hair, which kept going in his face. Sometimes, he didn’t
even push it away. His focus so intense, a few times, he almost knocked into
other kids. He never apologized for it, nor did most get upset. They seemed to
understand he was in a zone, one with his creation. He circled the perimeter to
detect if it needed something. Whenever he snapped his fingers, he’d call out
“cylinder,” “triangle,” or “rectangle.” Madeline would select it out of a
decaying cardboard box, to present it to him like an obedient puppy bringing a
tennis ball to its owner.
Carter, with Sheldon behind him, returned from their business in the hallway.
They joined the rest of us, studying Trey’s handiwork. Before long, Mr. Carter
became entranced, too. It felt frustrating. Being an only child, I was used to
being the center of my parents’ universe. Here, someone else stole the
attention so rightfully mine. Worst of all, watching Madeline fawn over him
drove me crazy. His hair was messy, his shirt dirty, and he was just average.
Why did he hold her interest? Shouldn’t she see me instead? Mom knitted me this
nice sweater and combed my hair before I went to the bus stop. My head started
pounding from over-thinking the situation when Madeline moved toward him,
letting her pigtail accidentally brush against his head. He didn’t seem to
notice, but I sure did. I needed to take action.
over to the box of blocks less than five feet from the audience, I reached in
blindly selecting a triangle-shaped one with green crayon on the side facing
up. With everyone so enamoured by the courthouse, they didn’t even notice my
hands trembling at my side with rage. Giving one last furtive glance to Trey,
Madeline, Mr. Carter, and then ending on my classmates, I felt ready to execute
the plan.
Many of
the other kids started to pick up on my actions, giving me a brief moment of
satisfaction. Their jaws dropped as they watched the projectile block following
a jagged path through their makeshift circle. Of course, motor coordination
issues since birth and anger clouded my vision. Translation: my aim was
block went careening through the air, never even coming close to its intended
target. Trey knew no fear, however. He must’ve sensed my imprecise aim the
moment it left my unsteady hand. Without raising an eyebrow, let alone
diverting his eyes from his structure, his arm swatted the wooden toy away like
a fly. It changed course to come crashing down onto the bridge of my Madeline’s
button nose. I’m not sure what started to pour first, the blood from her
nostrils or the tears from her green eyes.
bloodstained triangle ricocheted off her face to the courthouse, knocking it
down like dominoes. At the same time, Madeline wailed in pain. Trey’s eyes cast
down at his destroyed masterpiece, over to her, and finally to the crowd of
spectators, with a cold, soulless expression. He breathed heavily out of his
nose, needing to know who ruined his work. Sheldon, along with two other
snitches, fingered me for the crime.

Amazon UK
Book Strands
Time Romance & More
Scott R. Caseley was born in Nashua, New
Hampshire. He gained an interest in writing in elementary school in nearby
Hudson. Growing up, he carried a small notebook or pen on family trips making
observations and frequently turned them into poems or short stories. While
attending Franklin Pierce University, he co-wrote and co-directed a student
film. After graduating, he wrote and directed a dramatic feature, co-wrote and
directed a documentary and conducted interviews for an online magazine. He's also
passionate about acting, and he's enjoyed performing on stage, in bit parts on
film, and is also a trained voice actor. In addition to his creative pursuits,
he is passionate about healthy living. He follows a fitness regimen consisting
of several activities such as; weight training, walking, swimming, yoga, and
hula hooping. He complements this by cooking several nutritious examples of
international and American cuisine. Last, but certainly not least he also
enjoys just spending time with family and friends until the early morning hours
with plenty of laughter and coffee.
Twitter: @scottrcaseley
World of Ink Tour: (Starting in March/April)
I see you have a special interview for us with your characters. Well, let's not keep the folks waiting. Put it up for us.
“Catching Up With Two Oakes High
Written By Cameron R. Smith
Some time ago, Tina, my editor at
the Oakes High School blog, The Eagles’ Nest assigned me to profile Madeline
Edwards, the previous year’s valedictorian for my first piece. I wanted to
cover the annual alumni football game held every Thanksgiving, but she thought Miss
Edwards would be more inspirational to any group of people unlike covering the
game to non-sports fans. So, there I was parked in the lot at Super Shoppers
during a major downpour at five-thirty in the morning of Turkey Day waiting for
Miss Edwards and shivering in a car with no heat.
A red Ford Escort pulled
alongside mine, not the Cadillac Miss Edwards told me via voicemail to expect. When
she climbed out of the passenger seat along with the driver, this guy whose
face I recognized only as being someone who graduated with her. Underneath a hefty
purple umbrella, she rapped on my passenger window. After rolling it down, she asked me if I was
Cameron Smith. After I confirmed that I was, she asked if we could do the
interview inside the supermarket. My journalistic impulses were that this would
be an impractical idea, however, with one look into her beautiful green eyes, I
knew I couldn’t say no.
Five minutes later, the two of
them were walking the aisles, picking up items of a lengthy list he was
holding. “How long have you two been together?” I asked noting how he looked at
her adoringly when she hoisted a five-pound bag of flour off the shelf.
“Pfft, Sean and I? We’re not
together. We’re just friends. Been friends since the first grade. Isn’t that right,
Seany Boy?” Madeline playfully said placing the sack into the carriage that
creaked along with a busted right front wheel.
“Yeah,” is all he will say in
response without even so much as a glance in my direction.
“Wow, that’s something. I don’t
remember ever seeing you two hanging out in school last year, or around town
for that matter.” As much as I initially wanted him to stay silent, I hoped he
would say something to this, but he just shrugs sheepishly, so I return my
attention to Madeline who maneuvers her way down the aisle selecting
shortening, canned peas, and corn with great skill.
“Yeah, well, we’ve been tight
whether you’ve seen it or not, believe me. We’ve been through a lot together.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” Sean
looks at her, then briefly to me with a half-grin.
“So, who’s cooking the dinner,
you or him?”
“He is. And, it’s for our fathers
and us. I came home from Monadnock University yesterday, and his dad, or Pop as
we all call him gives us an assignment of sorts.”
“Really? What kind of
“He wanted me to make
Thanksgiving dinner just like my mom used to.” When Sean admits this, Madeline
puts her arm around him, I could see the depth of their bond, in that one
moment. I felt tempted to ask what happened to his mother, but I decided it was
really none of my business.
“You didn’t have plans already?”
a soft ball question for sure, but definitely seemed more appropriate.
“No, my Dad and I usually just
get a pizza on Thanksgiving, neither of us can cook. Sean, why don’t you get the next few items
and I’ll meet up with you in a bit?” Sean gave a grin and started to head to
the end of the aisle where he promptly bumped into an end cap of assorted
Christmas candies and toys. “On second thought, I’m sorry, Cam. We can continue
this interview, I’m sorry about my friend being here.”
“It’s fine,” I lied.
“Cool, so fire away, what does
The Eagles’ Nest want to know?”
“It may sound silly, but what do
you two miss most about town being away at college now?”
“Well, Sean’s a commuter, so he
doesn’t miss much yet, which is why I think he should consider living on campus
next year, so he can see what the outside world is like.”
“I miss having Madeline around. I
miss our friend Trey. I miss the hills at McCashland Park where she and I went
sledding as a kid.” I’m not sure if it was the mention of this Trey character
or McCashland Park or both, but something seemed to rattle Madeline.
“Next question,” she sighed.
“You could just answer the
question too.” Sean offered.
“Okay, umm, personally I miss
Roller World. Lots of great memories there with Sean and our mutual best friend
Trey Goodsby.” she then winked at Sean who looked anxious by this assertion, which
did raise my curiosity, but I hesitated again about asking a follow-up question
to find out what made him so upset, which I knew would displease Tina.
“Why, what was so special about
the place?” I asked looking down the end of the aisle where a married couple
was fighting over which can of yams would be better for their
family gathering.
“We went there when we were
thirteen, first time I ever initiated plans for the three of us to hang out,”
she stated proudly.
“Yeah, and that went over so well, too
Madeline,” he retorted stopping the carriage abruptly in the middle of the
“Why, what happened?” I asked,
startled by his actions.
“Nothing worth repeating here.”
Madeline said shooting daggers at him with her eyes.
“So anything you don’t miss about
Noone?” I asked, hoping that by changing the subject, an escalation of their
conflict could be averted.
“Yeah, Roller World.” Sean
scoffed inspecting three different varieties of canned cranberry sauce on the
“Whatever Sean, whatever.”
Madeline rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to
start a fight between you two.” I apologized, realizing thankfully that this
would be my first and last blog for the school blog.
“It’s okay, we both just struck a
nerve. I suppose when you have as much history built up as we do, the cracks
are bound to show up every now and again. I’m sorry, Sean.”
“I’m sorry too. So, what’s this
for again?” Sean asked, and it took me by surprise, because I thought naturally
she’d have told him what was going on. The two of them clearly had some serious
secrets between them.
“The school blog. My editor
wanted me to do a piece on recent grads and see what they’ve been up to since
graduating starting with Madeline here.”
“Oh, cool,” he said looking at an
array of turkeys in the meat section.
“That’s pretty quick, isn’t it? I
mean, we just graduated five months ago. Not much has really changed. It
reminds me of five year reunions.” She admitted with a shrug.
“I don’t quite get what you mean,”
I admitted helping Sean to lift a twenty-two pound turkey into the carriage.
“You ever consider the validity
of a five-year high school reunion? People get together only a few years after
spending twelve years sharing the halls and walls of academia. What really has
changed since? Did someone just graduate college? Get a promotion at work? Get
married? Gathering together to discuss these things with your former classmates
seems trivial five years on especially now with the advent of social media
where people can update each other on a moment to moment notice. Not much has
happened to me, and I think I can speak for Sean on this too. I bet even in
five years time we’ll be in pretty much the same boat. Sorry that I didn’t make
for an interesting interview. I really don’t have anything fresh to say for
your readers.”
“That’s okay, I appreciate your
time and I thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I’ll piece something
together out of this experience.”
I shook their hands and headed
back outside to my SUV. Unbeknownst to any of us, their world would be in a
totally different place just a year later. What happened was worth writing
about, but it wouldn’t be by me. I had just started my first year as a pre-med
student far away from Noone.
A great interview. Now, for the cover and the rest of the info.
he finds his best friend Trey Goodsby dead and almost completely submerged in a
bathtub filled with bloody water, Sean McIntyre is determined to find out if it
was an accident or suicide. If it was suicide, why did he do it? And, did his
death accidental or intentional have anything to do with Madeline Edwards, the
woman who came between them constantly through their thirteen-year friendship?
Isosceles, a coming-of-age mystery romance begins with
the death of Trey Goodsby, and explores his relationships with family, friends,
his romances, and which of the circumstances he found himself in that led to
the tragic event, and the repercussions for those he left behind.

Terrific blurb and excerpt, Scott.
Now how about you tell us a little about yourself and give us the buy links.
Wow, Scott, that's a lot of buy links. Thanks for all those choices.
Scott and I love comments. Let's hear from you.
Great post, Scott. Good luck with your book. PS I had a hard time finding the comment section (probably just me.)
ReplyDeleteThe title, Isoceles, is a neat metaphor. I like it. It's nice to have a male POV YA that's not fantasy. A rare thing.
ReplyDeleteIsosceles (can't avoid a typo even in a one-liner).
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I appreciate that. It's also nice to see your name repeatedly pop up on my appearances. Thank you for your support. :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, everyone makes that typo. :) I even had to trust in spell check when the title first came to me many moons ago. :)
Thank you for the kind words about being a "rare thing" as a male POV in YA non-fantasy, I really value compliments like this. I am merely following in the footsteps of my heroines/heroes in the genre, authors like Katherine Paterson, Jay Asher, Stephen Chbosky, SE Hinton, just to name a few.
PS- This is my do-over post, my previous one listed a YA fantasy author first, lol.
Hi Scott, I see a few friends have stopped by. Sorry, I've been away most of the day.
ReplyDeleteIt's really great having you here todays. Loved the interview. Clever.
Yes, that comment section is hard to find and I can't figure out why. Let's hope readers can squint and spot it.
Interesting interview. Meeting characters this way sure lets the reader learn about them. Congratulations, Scott. Your book (and charaters) sound awesome.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for hosting me, I loved writing the piece for your page. Seeing as this week is Valentine's Day, and your site is all about romance, why not share a little sweet episode featuring Sean and his longtime crush Madeline to your readers? :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you so much. That is so nice to hear. I love those two characters, I think they're a couple of great kids and I like them best when they're doing things together.
Good, gritty stuff here, Scott. Love the narrator's voice. The excerpt pulled me right in. Nicely done. I've read a few YAs in first person male POV, and I always enjoy seeing the mystery of the young male mind unraveled - sort of :-) All the best to you and your writing.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. Your comments really made my night. I am glad that my written voice spoke to you and 'pulled you in'.
Clever place to set the interview, although I must admit I worried that Sean and Madeline picked up a frozen turkey and would never get it cooked for a Thanksgiving Day meal!! See? You write so the story is so believable. Great job of getting your book noticed, Scott. Best wishes..
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by. :) Yes, I was a bit concerned they might do that as well, however, Madeline being the clever one would think of that ahead of time, and with her skill of talking people into what she needs, would be able to acquire a last-minute fresh bird from the grocer. :)
Best wishes to you as well.